Sunday, March 29, 2009

Bed Rest Blues... ramblings from one BoReD mama!!

Well I am officially on bed rest until April 11th! I know it isn't that long... but I am already going crazy!! There is so much I want to get done... and I just can't do it sitting down!! I am in that nesting mode and I want to decorate every room in my house!

I took a day off from bed rest yesterday to get a few things done... ssshhhh... don't tell my doctor! Haha! I ran to Toys R Us to get a present for Aiden.... and just "happened" to go in through the Babies R Us side!! You know... just to look. And what did I see??!! The pictures that I have been wanting for months. I thought these were so fun and would be perfect in our playroom. They were 75% off!! I almost screamed!! They were originally $75 for both and I got them for $20!! I LOVE a good deal!!

The only problem was they were out of this one....

I really want it. I had them call all of the other Babies R Us stores and no luck. They were all out. I found one on E-Bay... but the person wants $25... and I could have gotten it for $10 if the store had it... but I might just "splurge" and get it... we'll see if Matt okays it!! Keep your fingers crossed.

And what is a post without a few pictures of the boys!! Koen was napping and the big boys were being very silly!!

Have a good day!!