Friday, April 17, 2009

Losing it....

OK... it's official. I am losing my mind. today has been the craziest day. This morning Matt and I got up, loaded up the kids, and headed out to his grandparent's house for breakfast. Then I get a call from Lindsey asking me where I am. I had no clue what she was talking about... and then she told me I forgot to come to her house this morning for playgroup. I was just telling the boys last night that we were going over there today. Duh??

Then I forgot to eat lunch... how does a pregnant lady do such a thing? I got home and my hands were literally shaking from low blood sugar. I almost passed out. It was not good... Matt made me a sandwich and I ate everything in the pantry... and now I feel like I couldn't eat for days... but I am not weak or shaky anymore... so that is good.

I have called my kids every name but their own today. In my defence I am a mom... and all of their names start with K... so it is easily confused. My poor children don't know what they did wrong... because Mommy is yelling at them... when really I am trying to yell at their brother who is being naughty. They probably think I am a crazy lady.

I am convinced that Kassidy will never come out. I am 36 weeks tomorrow... and I want to die. I prayed SO hard that she would just stay put long enough to be healthy. I wanted nothing more than to make it to May. Well God... I may want to take that May part back. I can't sleep because I am having braxton hicks, getting up to pee, tossing and turning, and battling constant heartburn. I also think I have a broken rib due to the foot that has found it's home in my ribcage. I am miserable. I am tired. I am done being pregnant. I am ready to hold a beautiful baby GIRL in my arms and kiss her. How about today?? Today works for me....


Lindsey said...

Haha! Pregnancy brain happens to all of us! I am sorry your so uncomfortable... but she will be here soon! I cannot wait either!! She will be a perfect beautiful princess and worth every minute! Miss you!

~Rachel said...

Oh, how I know what you are feeling!! As you may remember (how could one forget with all of my complaining?) Miss Lily was quite a stinker too! But, she has been the greatest baby thus far. So, perhaps Miss Kassidy is going to be a good girl too! The end of pregnancy stinks when the other kids came early...makes you crazy! Miss you!

brittsy said...

Ahh yes, I fondly remember felling like the biggest idiot when I was pregnant! I don't know what those babies do to us, but man, its rough! My early deliver was only 4 days early, and I was as big as a house, so I feel your pain with the uncomfortableness and the misery! It will be over before you know it, and remember, this is the last time you have to go through all this and its all worth it in the end!!!